Our Services
What do we do for our customers?
Build it
It all begins with the customer. When we a new customer signs up for one of our systems, we go through the following implementation process:-
We create a new TEST database for the new customer, embed the new Logo in it, and request a list of Users and Properties (normally from the LLPG) and import that.
If users have existing data from an older system (or even Excel), we import that as well
We set up a customisation workshop with managers and staff. This takes a number of days. Typically we spend half a day understanding your needs, showing you the TEST system, and the rest of the day we spend making changes.
By the time we have finished, our customer is already pretty familiar with the system and we are pretty familiar with the customer needs.
Sometimes - quite often - there is something unique about the way the customer works which requires a bit of development. We take that on board in the time before Go Live.
When the TEST system is completely ready, we set up a train and test session to make sure everyone understands it and is happy.
We get a final load of the latest data, create a LIVE system from TEST, and the customer is ready to go live
Train you
We provide group training sessions and one-to-one training sessions - increasingly via TEAMS. We create a Quick Start user manual and provide several Single Issue manuals to compliment them.
Host the system professionally for you
In most cases the system is hosted on our IOMART servers. This is an added responsibility. We have to make sure there is always enough disk space, that the batch jobs are running and that the data is being backed up and sent off site very frequently.
We keep in touch with you
We keep in touch with you in many ways
We provide an Issue Log where you can report any problems - even requests for enhancements and re-customisations
We have regular meetings with you - in person or via TEAMS
We publish a newsletter, telling you the latest changes to the system and what we and other customers are doing
We offer training for new recruits
We offer administration services - setting up new users, cancelling leavers and transferring cases in batch
We do mini upgrades whenever we think it would be helpful to you. These are normally small enhancements requested by another customer
We do major upgrades approximately every two years, when the scale of the changes requires a short period of down time