A really useful facility for ASB Anti-Social Behaviour Software - a simple way for users to select a group of addresses / estates / wards for a bespoke report
This requirement has been a common need from several of our customers. Often they are going to a corporate meeting - often with the Police - which is about action in a particular area which does not coincide with any Local Authority patch or district, but defined entirely by a selection of streets, blocks, wards or estates. Therefore there is no code on the Caseworks Antisocial Behaviour System which exactly identifies the properties and therefore the levels and types of Anti-Social Behaviour. As a result there can be no permanent report to meet this need, and each time a special report is needed, wasting everyone’s time.
Frustrated by this situation, we have created a new new facility for the London Borough of Enfield which allows a senior user to create a new list and key into a Caseworks screen up to 30 addresses or 10 wards or 10 estates (all these limits could easily be increased if needed). When they click Process the data needed for a report is assembled for them. Then they have the option to copy their list to the record which is actually linked to a pre-existing report designated for that specifically for that user on the Caseworks server. Every night all the reports are refreshed, and they can download a report which meets their needs the next morning. If it is urgent, our staff would always do a quick one-off refresh for them.
Response from our customer - Katrina Haughton, Senior Resident Relationship & Anti- Social behaviour Officer?
This definitely got me brownie points 😊. This is something I will need access to as this may be a common request.
The new facility will now be packaged up and made available - at no cost - to our other customers