New Anti Social Behaviour System KPI facility trialled at LB Croydon

HUBSolutions has developed and implemented an completely revised KPI (Key Performance Indicator) system over the Autumn period for its Croydon customer. The system went live at the end of November 2024, and data within each case was amended so that it was fully and instantly introduced across the Live Caseload.

The new system offers the following enhancements

  • KPI records within a case which a bold and clear, demanding immediate attention

  • KPI records within a case includes a hyperlink which is all that is needed to open the Case Page which will clear the KPI

  • KPI records include a link to an online one page user manual for the specific KPI which is displayed

  • KPI records are no longer limited to the “start of a case”, they can be created during the life of a case as a result of carrying our a Case Review (Audit) or after recording a Client Action Plan

  • HUBSolutions has customised the targets of the KPI hyperlinks, to define from the case the Person(s) (Victim, Perpetrator or Witness) which the Action should be linked to.

  • HUBSolutions has customised the targets of the KPI hyperlinks, to define the Action Outcome, thereby just leaving the user to enter some free text, and where appropriate, upload a document

  • HUBSolutions has customised the Case Closure KPI hyperlink, to directly open the Correspondence facility for the Client Survey (as well as recording reason for closure)

  • HUBSolutions has enhanced, re-customised and manually updated the Case Review Screens (Audits) which meant that new KPIs for staff based on Audit comments where immediately active.

  • HUBSolutions has set up a suite of new automated Emails to notify staff as follows

    • When the KPI is created - the email has an appointment attachment which when clicked will add a reminder to the Outlook calendar

    • On the Monday before the KPI is due - in order to assist work planning for the week ahead.

    • On the day that the KPI is due - a final reminder!

      (there will be a future news item on the whole of the new Email facility for the Anti Social Behaviour Software and also the other Caseworks Modules)

  • HUBSolutions has added a new KPI “Caseload” in the Users Menu, which colour codes all KPIs due depending on whether they are imminent, due / overdue or in the more distant future.

  • HUBSolutions has also offered free training on the new facility to any user who needs it.


Heat Maps installed on Croydon Anti-Social Behaviour Software


A really useful facility for ASB Anti-Social Behaviour Software - a simple way for users to select a group of addresses / estates / wards for a bespoke report