Heat Maps installed on Croydon Anti-Social Behaviour Software

Previous News Posts, have shown the new Point Maps which are now an integral part of Caseworks. We have now taken this a step further, with Croydon Council - and at their request - and produced heat maps of Anti Social Behaviour in the area. Built on the foundations of a configuration table and a Search Engine, the new facility allows Heat Maps to be created for all or any specific type of Anti Social Behaviour, and also allows selection of cases by Date Opened or Closed, by Case Status and many other Search Criteria. The Configuration Table gives the user control over the actual appearance of the heat map, with colour selections, point density selections being available. The Configuration Record for each Data Type, is linked to the User profile who created it, allowing each user to pursue their own particular interest and style. However the latest enhanced Configuration Table, allows the User who designs a new map, to forward their Configuration to one or more other users, saving everyone a lot of time and a learning curve.

Heat Maps do not identify the exact location of an Anti-social Behaviour Incident, but the density of the overlay colour gives an idea of where ASB is occurring and its frequency in a given area. Heat Maps of all Active Cases and Cases reported over the last five years have been created.


Super new KPI email alerts in the Caseworks ASB Software


New Anti Social Behaviour System KPI facility trialled at LB Croydon