Upgrade for Croydon ASB System
In February 2021, Croydon Anti-Social Behaviour System was upgraded to the latest version. The system has been upgraded many times in the 20 years which it has been operational for Croydon. This upgrade provided Croydon Users with the following new features:-
Browser independence - this version overcomes the incompatibilities between IE6, IE10, Edge and Chrome
Improved security all round, with IP Address locking, new sign-on screen, the option of single-sign-on, tamper-proof encryption of passwords and all navigation links
The latest correspondence facility
Access to a nation-wide address gazetteer to allow properties outside the Borough to be inserted into the system
Step-through access to Cases from the Caseload or Search screens
The new version of the sign-in screen is shown opposite, which we are customising to feature a local landmark.